Monday, December 27, 2010

Scrap Philosophy in a very concise dose.

 I consider myself a Cosmic Humanist, more interested in transcendent experience than any sort of vestigial doctrine. Chasing the mystic has become something of a hobby of mine, and I’m always looking for new ideas to alter and clarify my perceptual lens. I believe religious experiences can be found in rain forests and laboratories; in meditational fields and on mountain tops. Technology advances exponentially, and I don’t see any benefit to drawing distinctions between our manufactured existence and that of a person who’s more connected to the natural world. We need to bridge the twin dynamic, or else the mechanized consciousness will remain the destroyer. What we need is a radical redefinition of human’s relationship with nature. As an ethnobotanist, I see sacred plants and psychoactive medicines to have the potential to open up doors to cultural redefinition, as long as we are prepared to realize that they are not the answer. 

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