Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What happened to the baby?

  An excerpt from an unfinished script I'm toying with

  ACT I 


   The stage opens to a figure, crouched, in upper stage left. The character’s, PUNCH’s,  shoulders heave with heavy sobs. The actress ((PUNCH and JUDY characters are traditionally played by members of the opposite sex. Though PUNCH is male, he is played by a female actress for comedic effect.) is a woman of twenty years of age, and as she trembles the bells on her costume jingle ironically. 


   With a bang, the stage lights turn on and the figure immediately springs to life. His costume is a tattered jester’s guise; a patchwork of faded red and yellow harlequin designs, spotted with the occasional intact sequin and button. Hanging off his collar dangle a procession of shiny, silver bells, which seem to be the only part of PUNCH’s costume not desecrated by age and antiquity, and thus shine in the stagelight around him like tiny moons. Obscuring the actor’s face is a half mask made of glass and acrylic, deforming her otherwise human features into a caricature. Hooked nose and grinning, PUNCH exams the audience with an air of amusement and playful mischief. Bowing three times and nodding his head vigorously, PUNCH begins the prologue. 
Shrilly, throwing arms out as if to welcome the audience with supreme cosmic acceptance. 
  “Ladies and GENTLEmen, pray how YOU do?
    I see you’ve all managed to drag yourselves out of your catacomb-conscious states. 
    Fancy, entertainment, do you? Hold you visions of childlike merriment?”
   At this PUNCH quarks an eyebrow suggestively, producing a tassled cane from behind him, leaning upon it. 
   “And Merriment, of course, is our PRINCIPLE occupation.
     Therein, I beg thee to let dissolve your fantasy obsessions, paranoid delusions. 
     We in the occupation of ACTing seek to master WORDS.” 
    PUNCH’S movements are jagged, machine-like.


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